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Research questions


What are the needs and preferences of adolescent young carers and stakeholders in developing and implementing an intervention framework?


How can different countries apply and tailor the intervention framework according to their legal, services and socio-cultural contexts?


What is the impact of the intervention framework for AYCs?

In order to reply to these questions, different activities will be implemented

Adolescent Young Carers’ profiles, needs and preferences

A cross-national comparison of the profiles, needs and preferences of adolescent young carers using an online survey conducted in six countries.

This activity is led by University of Sussex.

Good practices, social innovations & evidence

A systematic overview of successful strategies to improve AYCs’ mental health and wellbeing in the 6 project partners’ countries.

This activity is led by Vilans.

Implementation of primary prevention interventions

The interventions designed in the previous phase of the project will be implemented in the 6 project countries. The intervention will cover different psychosocial aspects of adolescent young carers’ situation, including their personal needs and experiences, their relationships with peers, the support and education from schools and services and, more generally, their inclusiveness in the community by combating stigma, bullying and negative attitudes. In order to achieve these impacts, the project partners will engage with psychologists, teachers and educators, social workers, youth workers, sociologist and nurses together with carer organisations and other service providers for addressing the needs and preferences of AYC and their families.

This activity is led by Anziani e Non solo.

Evaluation of the intervention and its impact

The ME-WE project will carry out a comprehensive evaluation, including a mixed-methods analysis of short-term outcomes (e.g., mental health and wellbeing, education, social life) and potential long-term impact (e.g., employment, health and social inequalities during the life-course).

This activity is led by Ljubljana University.

Project management

Coordination of scientific, technical, administrative and financial activities throughout the project duration.

This activity is led by Linnaeus University.

National policy, legal and service frameworks

An analysis of the development and implementation of policies, legislation and services addressing adolescent young carers in the 6 project partners’ countries.

This activity is led by Kalaidos University.

Participatory co-design

In each of the project countries, Blended Learning Networks (i.e. “communities of practice” involving AYCs and relevant stakeholders) – will be held, in order to establish a continuous participatory involvement of AYCs and stakeholders in the co-design and the development of country interventions.

One of the outcomes of these Blended Learning Networks Meetings will be the design of country intervention plans, as well as the design and development of a new mobile app enhancing national interventions and enabling professional and peer support at a distance.

This activity is led by Linnaeus University.


Do you want to know more about the Blended Learning Network methodology applied to carers’ issues? Watch this video.

Knowledge translation, dissemination and communication

The project’s findings and results will be disseminated, with the aims to raise awareness about the situation and needs of young carers in Europe and expected impacts of the Me-We project; to engage relevant stakeholders and ensure their buy in; to call for action and bring about change.

As part of the dissemination and exploitation activities, a wide range of material will be produced and made publicly available on this website:

a series of laypersons briefings on AYC’s profiles, context and interventions (1 at EU and 6 at national level), as well as on the project methodology and evaluation results (1 EU and 6 national);

a repository for scientific and policy evidence of integrated support to AYC to serve the project and continue thereafter;

a booklet for AYCs (co-designed with YC) with practical information and tips and tools to communicate with peers and educational, health and social care professionals.

This activity is led by Eurocarers.

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