Join the community

The Eurocarers Young Carers Working Group was established in 2017 in Malmø in the margins of the 2nd International Young Carers Conference.
Back at the time of its formation, the group brought together 17 members from 9 States. Today, the group has doubled in size to include 30 young carers, young adult carers or former young carers from 11 countries.
The idea behind the establishment of this working group is «Nothing about us without us!».
Young carers are the experts!
The mission of this community of experts by experience is to combine our efforts and resources, so that young carers’ voices are heard, and policies and practices are put in place all across Europe to support them.
I feel like I do something important
As a young carer I often felt different and like an outsider. Network like this makes me feel included and part of something bigger than my own story. I feel like I do something important. Not only for myself, for my country, but for so many people in different countries. It is important to have a working group at an EU level because we can exchange experience and practice from our country.
For info on how to join the working group, please contact Eurocarers.